Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My graduation!!!


JeN JeN said...

Congrat !!!!
Tai Ko Lui lo...
Don't forget my JoGOYA ya.... Now got promotion 50% for ladies.. hehe

Anonymous said...


Congrats, JoGoya I wanna go too, man 100% discount (u buy me loh)

Anonymous said...

next, you have to go bukit rimau to take your graduation in mahjong too.

Anonymous said...

It takes another 4 years study hard to become Bukit Rimau Certified "Sui Yue". Depending on your talent, some are gifted that don't need to attend any courses but being awarded the title. such as Mei Yoke and Kelvin wakakaka.

RimauKing, Principle
The "Sui Yue" of all "Sui Yue"

Natalie said...

I adi got MM (Master in Mahjong)and Degree in Choh Dai Di and Poh kuat from BPUG (Bukit Puchong Uni of Gambling....^^ Anyone intrested pls contact the Principle, Mr. Raymond Eng. 012-XXXBPUG